Shakespearean Monologues 

Antony and Cleopatra
Cleopatra V ii line 49 “ Sir I will eat no meat”
Enobarbus II ii line 197 “The barge she sat in”
Cleopatra Vii line 73 “No matter, sir, what I have heard”
Cleopatra V ii line 283 “Give me my robe”

As You Like It
Duke Senior II i line 1 “Now my comates”
Jaques II vii line 139 “ All the world’s a stage…”
Phebe III v line 8 “ I would not be thy executioner…”
Rosalind III v line 34 “ Who might be your mother”
Phebe III v line 109 “ Think not I love him”
Oliver IV iii line 99 “ When last the young Orlando”

All’s Well that Ends Well
Helena III ii line 96 “Till I have no wife”
Helena I iii line “ Then I confess here on my knee” 

Comedy of Errors
Adriana II ii line 114 “Ay, Ay Antipholus…”
Luciana III ii line 1 “And may it be that you have quite forgot”

Menenius II i line 50 “ I am known to be a humorous patrician”
Coriolanus IV v line 71 “My name is Caius Martius”
Aufidius IV v line 107 “O Martius, Martius”
Aufidius IV vii line 28 “ All places yield to him”
Volumnia V iii line 94 “Should we be silent”
Brutus II i line 223 “All tongues speak of him” 

Imogen III iv line 42 “False to his bed”
Imogen IV ii line 291 “ Yes, sir, to Milford”
Imogen III vi line 1 “ I see a man’s life is a tedious one”
Imogen III ii line 25 or 40 “Who, thy lord? That is my lord Leonatus?”
Iachimo II ii line 10 “The crickets sing, and man’s o’erlabored sense” 

Hamlet I ii line 129 “O that this too, too solid flesh”
Ophelia II i line 75 “O, my lord, I have been so affrighted”
Hamlet II ii line 553 “O what a rogue and peasant”
Hamlet III i line 56 “”To be or not to be”
Ophelia III i line 155 “O what a noble mind is here”
Hamlet III ii line 1 “Speak the speech I pray you”
Claudius III iii line 36 “O, my offence is rank”
Hamlet III iii line 73 “Now might I do it pat”
Hamlet III iv line 54 “Look here upon this picture”
Hamlet III viii line 32 “How all occasions do inform against me”
Gertrude IV vii line 164 “One woe doth tread upon another’s heel” 

Henry IV, Part one
Hal 1 ii line 201 “I know you all “
Hotspur I iii line 29 “ My liege, I did deny no prisoners”
Hotspur II iii line 1 “But for mine own part my lord”
Lady Percy II iii line 38 “O my good lord”
Hal II iii line 129 “Do not think so”
Hal V i line 83 “In both your armies 

Henry IV, Part two
Rumour Prologue “Open your ears”
Miss Quickly I i line 92 “Marry if thou wert an honest man”
Lady Percy II iii line 9 “O! Yet for God’s sake”
King Henry III i line 4 “How many thousand”
Falstaff IV iii
Hal IV v line 20 “Why doth the crown”
King and Hal IV v line 139 “O pardon me my liege!”
Hal V ii line 43 “This new and gorgeous garment”
K Henry (Hal) V v line 52 “ I know thee not old man” 

Henry V
Prologue “O for a muse of fire”
Chorus II “Now all the youth”
Chorus III “Thus with imagined”
Chorus IV “Now entertain conjecture”
King Harry I ii line 18 “We are glad the Dauphin is so pleasant”
King Harry III I line 1 “ Once more unto the breach”
King Harry III iii line 1 “How yet resolves the Govenor”
King Harry IV iii line 18 “What’s he that wishes so?”
King Harry V ii line 98 “Fair Katherine, and most fair” 

Henry VI part 1
Pucelle (Joan) V iv line 36 “First let me tell you” 

Henry VI part 2
Queen Marg I iii line 45 “My Lord of Suffolk, say”
Eleanor II iv line 19 “Come you, my lord, to see my open shame?” 

Henry VI part 3
Margaret I iv line 66 “Brave Warriors”
York I iv line 110 “She wolf of France”
Henry II v line 1 “This battle fares like to”
Clifford II iv line 1 “Here burns my candle out”
Margaret III iii line 20 “Those gracious words”
Margaret V iv line 1 “Great Lords”
Richard V vi line 61 “What! Will the aspiring blood” 

Henry VIII
Katherine II iv line 67 “Lord Cardinal, to you I speak” 

Julius Caesar
Cassius I ii line 90 “I know that virtue to be in you, Brutus”
Brutus II i line 114 “No, not an oath”
Portia II i line 261 “Is Brutus sick (and earlier if you wish)
Calpurnia II ii line 8 “What mean you Caesar? Think you to walk”
Antony III i line 254 “O Pardon me thou bleeding piece of earth”
Antony III ii line 79 Friends, Romans, Countrymen”
Antony III ii line 173 “If you have tears prepare to shed them now”
Brutus III ii line 13 “Romans, Countrymen and Lovers” 

King John
Bastard I i line
Bastard II i line 561 “Mad world”
Constance III iv line 21 “Lo, now”
Arthur IV i line 41 “Have you the heart”
Lewis V ii line 78 “Your grace shall pardon me”
Bastard V ii line 127 “By all the blood that ever fury breathed”

King Lear
Edmund I ii line 1 “Thou Nature”
Edmund I ii line 128 “This is the excellent foppery of the world”
Goneril I iv line 242 “This admiration, sir”
Edgar II iii line 1 “ I heard myself proclaimed”
Lear II iv line 265 “ O Reason not the need” 

Loves Labours Lost
Berowne “Have at you then, affections men-at-arms”
Berowne V ii line 394 “Thus pour the stars down plagues for perjury”
Rosaline V ii line 858 “Oft have I heard of you my lord Berowne” 

Macbeth II i line 33 “Is this a dagger I see before me?”
Lady Macbeth I v line 1 “They met me in the day of success”
Lady Macbeth I v line 39 “The raven himself is hoarse”
Macbeth I vii line 1 “If it were done, when ‘tis done”
Lady Macbeth I vii line 35 “Was the hope drunk”
Porter II iii line 1 “Here’s a knocking indeed” 

Measure for Measure
Angelo II ii line 163 “ What’s this? What’s this?”
Isabella II ii line 105 “So you must be the first that gives this sentence”
Angelo II iv line 1 “When I would pray and think”
Angelo II iv line 154 “Who will believe thee Isabel?”
Isabella II iv line 171 “To whom should I complain?”
Claudio III I line 119 “Ay, but to die…” 

Merchant of Venice
Shylock I iii line 107 “Signor Antonio”
Portia IV i line 184 “The quality of mercy”
Portia “I pray you tarry.”
Portia “You see me Lord Bassanio where I stand”
Launcelot Gob II ii line 1 “Certainly my conscience will serve me” 

Merry Wives of Windsor
“Letter for letter” 

A Midsummer Night's Dream
Helena I I line 225 “How happy some o’er other some can be”
Titania II i line 40 “These are the forgeries of jealousy”
Titania II I line 120 “Set your heart at rest”
Oberon II i line 154 “ My gentle Puck come hither “ or “That very time
Helena II ii line 122 “Wherefore was I to this keen”
Puck III ii line 6 My mistress with a monster is in love”
Helena III ii line 145 “O Spite! O Hell!”
Helena III ii line 192 “Lo! She is one of this confederacy”
Bottom IV I line 205 “When my cue comes, call me”
Snug V i line 220 “You, ladies, you whose gentle hearts” 

Much Ado about Nothing
Benedick II iii line 5 “I do much wonder that one man”
Benedick II iii line 229 “This can be no trick” 

Iago I i line 40 “O, sir, content you”
Othello I iii line 127 “Her father loved me, oft invited”
Iago I iii line 382 “Thus do I ever make my fool my purse”
Iago II i line 289 “That Cassio loves her”
Iago II iii line 355 “And what’s he”
Othello III iii line 339 “What sense had I of her stol’n hour of lust”
Othello III iv line 55 “That handkerchief”
Emilia IV iii line 87 “But I do think it is their husband’s faults”
Pericles II I line 72 “An armor friends? I pray you let me see it”
Dionyza IV iii line 16 “She died at night; I’ll say so.” 

Richard II
Duch of Glou I ii line 9 “Finds Brotherhood”
Gaunt II i line 31 “Methinks I am a prophet”
Richard III ii line 4 “I weep for joy”
Richard III ii line 36 “Discomfortable cousin”
Richard III ii line 144 “Of comfort no man speak”
Richard III iii line 143 “What must the king do now”
Richard IV i line 162 “Alack, why am I sent for”
Richard V v line 1 “I have been studying”
Duch of York V iii line 100 “Pleads he in earnest?” 

Richard III
Richard I i line 1 “Now is the winter”
Anne 1 ii line 1 “Set down, set down”
Anne 1 ii line 50 “Foul Devil”
Richard I ii line 154 “Those eyes of thine”
Richard I ii line 229 “Was ever woman”
Margaret I iii line 187 “What! Were you snarling”
Richard I iii line line 324 “ I do the wrong”
Clarence I iv
Richard III vii line 140 “I cannot tell”
Anne IV i line 65 “No? Why? When he that is my husband now”
Margaret IV iv line 35 “If ancient sorrow”
Richard V iii line 178 “Give me another horse”
Richard V iii line 237 “More than I have said”
Richard V iii line 315 “What shall I say” 

Romeo and Juliet
Nurse I iii line 10 “Faith I can tell her age unto an hour”
Mercutio I iv line 53 “Quenn Mab”
Mercutio II i line 1 “Romeo! Humors! Madman! Passion! Lover!”
Romeo II i line 44 “But soft what light”
Juliet II ii line 33 “ O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”
Juliet II i line 127 “thou know’st the mask of night”
Juliet II v line 1 “The clock struck nine when I did send the Nurse”
Juliet III ii line 1 “Gallop apace”
Juliet III ii line 96 “ Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?”
Juliet IV iii line 13 “Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again”
Capulet III v line 176 “God’s bread, it makes me mad” (and before)
Romeo III iii line 29 “’Tis torture and not mercy. Heaven is here,” 

Taming of the Shrew
Petruchio IV i line 190 “Thus have I politicly begun my reign”
Katherine V ii 

The Tempest
Trinculo II ii line 20 “Here is neither bush nor”
Ferdiand III i line 1 “ There be some sports are painful”
Caliban II ii line 18 “Here is neither bush nor shrub”
Ariel I ii line 189 “All hail, great Master! Grave sir, hail!”
Caliban I ii line 330 “This islands mine by Sycorax” 

Timon of Athens
Timon IV iii line 250 “Thou art a slave, whom Fortune’s tender arm” 

Titus Andronicus
Tamora I i line 444“My worthy lord, if ever Tamora”
Aaron IV ii line 88 “Stay, murderous villains!” 

Troilus and Cressida
Cressida III ii line 60 “Boldness comes to me now”
Cressida III ii line 125 “Hard to seem won, but I was won”
Troilus V ii
Ulysses V iii 

Twelfth Night
Orsino I i line 1 “If music be the food of love”
Olivia I v line 163 “What is your parentage?”
Viola II ii line 17 “ I left no ring with her”
Malvolio II v line 91 “What employment have we here?”
Sebastian “This is the air, that is the glorious sun.” 

Two Gentlemen of Verona
Julia I ii line 98 “O hateful hands”
Julia IV iv line 185 “A virtuous gentlewoman, mild and”
Proteus II iv line 189 “Even as one heat another heat expels”
Valentine III I line 164 “And why not death rather than living torment?”
Launce II iii line 1 “ Nay ‘twill be this hour ere I have done weeping”
Launce Iv iv line 1 “When a man’s servant shall play” 

Two Noble Kinsmen
Arcite III i “Banish’d the kingdom?”
Jailer’s Dau II iv Winter’s Tale
Hermione III ii line 92 “Sir spare your threats”
Paulina III iii line 177 “What studied torments tyrant”
Leontes I ii line 284 “Is whispering nothing?”
Shepherd III iii line 60 “I would there were no age…”